Sunday, May 8, 2011

An interesting start.

Here we are in Calgary. The etickets worked. We have left the Island! Two points to amuse you: first of all Nancy was complaining that her almost new shoes were suddenly feeling uncomfortable. So once we got on the plane she took it off (we must have reminded everyone of the shoe bomber), and I discovered that the inside has come apart and is creating big folds over her toes. Bummer! |Almost new shoes, an hour after we leave home! Go figure. I guess we won't be buying Keen shoes any more. There are no shoe stores in Calgary airport.

The second amusing thing, still on the topic of shoes, was that Nancy noticed that the guy sitting beside us had two different colour shoes on. Same shoes, same amount of wear, just different colours. Is this a fashion thing we are not aware of, or was he a traveling clown?


  1. So you snuck a photo with your cell phone?

    Maybe he has trouble telling left from right/port from starboard?

  2. Yes, it is a fashion thing. Our sons do the same thing...
